Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Magic Hour

You know that time of day when everything seems to have a golden tint, and you can practically hear the sun as it begins to sink into the horizon? That time of day that is so often used as the setting for the last scene of that family-friendly movie you just watched that had you teary and smiling all at the same time? Well, that time of day, the hour or so just before to just after the sun sets or rises, is called magic hour (or golden hour), most likely because the lighting is truly magical for taking photos.

I just downloaded an app that tells you when magic hour is (called magic hour- go figure), and being on spring break this week, I just had to test it out. I walked to Theodore Wirth parkway, right by my house, to capture some of the nature over there. Everything's still sort of dead, but somehow all ended up looking pretty in the sunlight anyways. I was also sort of looking for an opportunity to flaunt my new boots (thrifted, but they were barely used) to everyone driving around at 7:00pm, I suppose.

Here are a few of my favorites! I didn't even edit them- the lighting/color was a bit tricky when I was shooting as it was constantly changing with the sun setting, you can see the progression/change in amount of sunlight from the first photo to the last one. But I can't wait to try taking some morning magic hour photos, and some with an actual subject too! There are so many possibilities!

Nifty boots, right?

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