Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Grateful with Goals

I am so grateful for spring break. I feel so renewed, and like I just had an amazing week. I took photos, went camping and adventuring, baked a ton of food, celebrated Easter, and executed a tea party. And slept. Oh, it was wonderful to sleep.

The big thing I did this week was a camping trip with my family- we stayed in a camper cabin (which is just a cabin with a wood fireplace, beds, and a table iside it in the middle of the woods), and hiked all around Lake Maria State Park. It was beautiful, albeit chilly. On Friday, I was definitely wearing 5 layers the majority of the time.

Also, I had a tea party! Having a tea party has always been a dream of mine. Either that, or just move to England, where tea is a regular thing. Or at least I think it is. . . I haven't ever been there. That's another dream! But I baked FRENCH MACARONS and just about DIED! I started them at 8:00pm, and didn't get to bed 'til midnight! I also baked cranberry orange scones that turned out amazing, and made tiny cucumber sandwiches, with lemony-dill cream cheese. It was so fun!

Easter was amazing. I really loved seeing all of the different posts on instagram, crazy as that is, from friends and organizations alike. And they're still popping up in my feed- I was just reminded of how amazing our Lord is, and how free we are. Like wow. There's someone who loves me so much they died for me, but so powerful He then come back to life, so that death isn't the end. What?! One of my favorite posts read "resurrection means that the worst thing is never the last thing". I feel so filled with hope, and excited about life.

Today was my first day back from break. Last night, I couldn't even imagine going to school this morning. Props to me, because here I am, finished with a whole day. I don't plan on completely sliding through the last two months of school, but it's certainly becoming harder and harder to stay motivated-- all I want to do is create, sew, bake, have fun with friends (pinterest scroll, eat chocolate). . . So I've created some goals for myself, to get through the end of the school year.

1. In general, improve my health. I'm going to try to eat better and exercise more, because I focus better, sleep better, and in general feel better when I'm making good health choices.

2. Do one creative thing a week. Creating is fun! I'm going to sew, bake, paint, draw, decorate my room, take pictures, and write! I have this love for imaging and writing stories that's gotten buried beneath all of the essay-writing skills I've been taught, and I'm just now starting to dig it back up again! Fun!

3. Keep my room clean. Self explanatory.

4. Bump my grades up.  I know I can do it. If I could just find where I put my motivation . . .

5. Worry less, trust more! I tend to worry about everything- my grades, my social life, my schedule, and it's really counter-productive, and just leaves me tired and tense. I need to remember that I can't be a lazy bum, but God's got a plan; I don't need to figure everything out.

6. Make space in my life. I need to stop rushing through everything, worrying about where the time's going, and slow down.

7. Go to bed earlier! What if I went to bed at 9:30 every night. What a dream.

Haha well now that you've read about all my problems. . . thanks for stopping by! Have some more pictures!
 Camping is the best.
 Sister selfie!
 My bread didn't rise. It tasted good though!
 Go google food puns. Just do it. And maybe put on the child safety filter, just in case.
Adorable! Take note future husband/boyfriend/person trying to ask me out